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What Is a Greenfinch?

Franklin Jeffrey
Franklin Jeffrey

Greenfinches are classified as passerines, a family of birds that includes a variety of wrens, warblers and jays as well as ravens, shrikes and crows. Common in the British Isles, the greenfinch's native breeding range extends into mainland Europe and parts of Africa and Asia; relocation has extended the bird's population into both North and South America as well as Australia. Although territorial about the area immediately around its nest and known for aggressively defending any feeder it claims as its own, the greenfinch is sociable bird otherwise, and tends to live close to humans. Greenfinches are popular as pet songbirds, due to their small size, coloration and pleasing vocalizations.

These small birds have wingspans not exceeding 10.6 inches (27 cm) and weigh no more than 3.5 ounces (99 grams). Females have a grayer coloring than males, which have bright, yellow-green breast feathers. Young greenfinches look like the females, but have a less even coloring. The plumage of adult males tends to fade somewhat during the winter months.


The greenfinch will feed on insects, but it prefers seeds, which comprise most of its diet. During the winter, as natural food stocks become harder to come by, they will sometimes flock with other birds and will rely more on feeders filled by humans. This reliance on bird feeders can lead to a parasitic disease called trichomoniasis that interferes with their ability to feed and swallow. According to a 2010 news report, trichomoniasis killed approximately 20 percent of the British greenfinch population in a five-year period. Greenfinches, however, are not threatened birds, and experts do not expect them to become so in the near future.

In the UK, greenfinches are present in most places with trees. These birds form small nesting colonies in bushes, shrubs and trees of all varieties. They commonly nest in backyards, orchards and gardens, all close to human population centers. In the country, greenfinches will nest in hedgerows and forested areas. Greenfinches migrate only in areas where the winters are especially severe.

Although the European greenfinch is the most common, four other varieties are recognized by ornithologists. These are the black-headed, Vietnam, yellow-breasted and oriental greenfinches. Each has slightly different colorations and habitats. The black-headed greenfinch's range extends from China to Vietnam, while the Vietnam greenfinch is not known to inhabit any other country. Oriental and yellow-breasted greenfinches make their homes in several Asian countries, including China, Thailand and India. Those introduced into the Americas and Australia are of the European variety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Greenfinch and where can it be found?

The Greenfinch, or European Greenfinch (Chloris chloris), is a small passerine bird in the finch family. It is predominantly found across Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. These birds are known for their green and yellow plumage and can often be spotted in gardens, woodlands, and hedgerows, where they feed on seeds and insects.

What does a Greenfinch's diet consist of?

Greenfinches primarily feed on a variety of seeds from trees, shrubs, and weeds. They have a particular fondness for sunflower seeds and can often be seen visiting bird feeders in gardens. During the breeding season, they also consume insects, which provide essential protein for the growth of their chicks.

How can I identify a Greenfinch?

A Greenfinch can be identified by its distinctive green plumage, with brighter yellow-green on the wings and tail. Males have more vibrant colors compared to females, which are more subdued. They have a stout beak adapted for seed-eating and a bouncy flight pattern. Their song is a pleasant mix of twitters and trills.

Is the Greenfinch population stable?

According to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Greenfinch populations have suffered declines in recent years, particularly in the UK. This decline is largely attributed to an outbreak of trichomonosis, a parasitic disease. Conservation efforts are ongoing to monitor and support their populations.

What is the breeding behavior of Greenfinches?

Greenfinches typically breed from April to July. They are monogamous and both parents are involved in raising the offspring. Females build the nest, which is a sturdy structure of twigs and grass, and lay 3-8 eggs. After hatching, both parents feed the chicks until they fledge around 13-14 days later.

How can I attract Greenfinches to my garden?

To attract Greenfinches to your garden, provide a steady supply of their favorite seeds, such as sunflower and nyjer seeds, in bird feeders. Ensure clean water is available for drinking and bathing. Planting native shrubs and trees that produce seeds and berries can also create a more inviting habitat for these birds.

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